There's a polarity in everything in life.... happy and sad, rich and poor, fit and unfit. It's the contrast and the differences between things that can really help us to clarify what we want in life.
In order to create what you desire, it's essential to focus on what you want, rather than on what you don't want. If you want money, you need to focus on financial freedom. If you want a relationship, you need to focus on having the relationship of your dreams, and if you want to be fit, you need focus on being active and healthy.
The problem comes because humans have an engrained negativity bias; we all have a tendency to focus on what's wrong, what we don't have and what we don't want.
Presumably, if you're trying to create something, it's because you're aware that you don’t have that certain something yet. And therein lies the problem. If you're focusing on the 'fact' that you don’t have what you desire, then that is your point of attraction and that is what you're creating more of.
If your inbox is full of bills every day, it's difficult to take the focus of your thoughts away from your debts and financial woes and direct it towards the financial freedom you want and intend to create. If you eat dinner alone every night, it can be difficult to take the focus of your thoughts away from your loneliness and direct it towards the relationship of your dreams. And if you're feeling out of shape and lacking energy, it's difficult to take the focus of your thoughts away from your dissatisfaction about your fitness levels and direct it towards being fit and healthy.
In order to consciously create the life of your dreams and have the money, the relationship, the level of fitness, or whatever it is that you want, you must focus your attention upon having it. That's where visualisations, and even daydreaming, come in. What will it take to give you the feeling of having it now? That is how you will help yourself to consciously create the life of your dreams. You get what you are 'feeling.' Ultimately, you become what you believe you are capable of being and what you think you are.
It can be supremely difficult to control your thoughts. I think everyone can agree on that. So rather than risk feeling overwhelmed by a huge task, start by using this simple strategy: consciously set aside 15 minutes a day to visualise what it is that you want. You can even do it when you're doing something else, like driving, vacuuming the house or exercising. I often do it when I'm swimming. Imagine that you've already achieved your dream, that you're living your new reality, and really try to see the final result in your head. Make sure you're visualising the experience from within your own body, rather than as an observer of yourself. Tune into your senses and focus on how you feel now that you have what your heart has always desired; imagine what you're thinking, experiencing, seeing and hearing. If your mind wanders back to unpleasant thoughts during the 15 minutes, acknowledge that is has drifted and gently shift it back towards your daydream.
Of course, doing this by itself isn't going to magically make your dreams come true right away, but it's an essential first step. It sends the right message to your brain and gives you the optimum mindset to help consciously create your heart’s desire. Why not give it a go?