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Business Growth

Thrive Senses ‘Finding Happiness at Work’ Corporate Training Workshops


In the global COVID-19 pandemic, companies had to adapt to unprecedented challenges, including having employees working from home, increased reliance on online platforms to facilitate interpersonal communication and keeping up to date with preventative measures and constantly changing social restrictions. These pressures have had multiple adverse effects on employees’ well-being including increased loneliness, anxiety and depression.


As a result, it is now more important than ever for companies to seriously consider the happiness and well-being of their employees. Finding happiness at work has been proven to lead to increased well-being, creativity and productivity. People in happy workplaces are better at problem solving and reconciling conflict and more resilient, which makes them better able to deal effectively with stress and setbacks. In addition, happier workplaces report less turnover, lower health costs, fewer mistakes and greater efficiency.


In response to this critical need, Thrive Senses has developed a powerful ‘Finding Happiness at Work’ online or in-person training workshop that offers participants:


  • proven positive psychology best practices

  • interactive and engaging activities

  • user-friendly self-development tools

  • personal work plan and official certification





























Delivered by: George or Sarah


Duration: 2.5 hours


Booking: Please email

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